Thursday, June 26, 2014

Busy Week as Usual

Tuesday, I spent my morning at the hospital.  I visited with 4 new mothers and their babies.  Then, I saw 10 patients on the 2nd floor.  I met the sweetest people who invited me to pray with them.  I continue to be amazed at how I can tell when I walk in who already knows the Lord very well.  There was one man, however, who was not sure that he was a child of God and would go to heaven should he die.  I shared the good news of forgiveness and salvation with him and left him to think about it.  I never push or shove.  I did ask Bill Simpson, our senior chaplain to visit with him again later. 

We have witnessed the gift of life once again.  While in Michigan, some phoebes built a mud nest on our front porch.  Today, we saw 2 fuzzy little heads poke above the nest.  The parents are beautiful with yellow breasts and scissor tails.  They are small petite birds and are very quiet and clean thus far. 

Bill and I shopped today for a new bathtub unit.  That will complete the remodeling of our hall bath. 

Tomorrow, the family will join us to celebrate Noel's birthday which happened last week while he was in Springfield.  The Pow Wow also begins tomorrow morning.  I have to go get our freebies.  We have already registered on line.

The timer just went off.  I think my cherry cobbler is finished.  I hope it is good.

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