Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Recap

Thanksgiving was a day to remember.  I put Tom Turkey in the oven, set the table with my finest china and stemware glasses and felt like I was ready for the family to come.  I called Mom to see how she was doing and she could hardly talk to me.  I became concerned and called Noel to join me at Mom's.  I didn't call Galen because I knew that he and Sondra had a late night at Jason's house on Wednesday.  But Noel called Galen anyway.  I put on my jacket and drove quickly.  When I made a left turn on a yellow signal, a police car started after me.  I pulled over and told him my story.  After running my license, he called the Indian police and ReAct.  We all arrived at the same time.  There were 7 guests in Mom's small apartment.  She sat in her recliner eating peanut butter and wondered what all the fuss was about.  She told everyone she was just fine.  My brothers and I knew it was big act because she does not want to go to the hospital.  She has her mind on going to Branson with us all for Christmas.  The EMT did check her out and advised us to get her to her doctor.  Of course, she refused.  So, we did what we could and went home.  We ate our huge meal and then took Mom a plate.  She is still not doing well, but I have asked Senior Support to check on her.  Now, I pray that God will do what I cannot do.

God took care of ME big time yesterday.  I heard that bad weather is on the way, so I went to the grocery store to stock up.  When I returned home, I noticed that my purse was missing.  I went back to the store and asked God to keep me calm and to watch over my bag.  I started recounting all the things I would have to do if it was gone for good.  When I arrived at the store, I asked two bag boys in the parking lot if they had seen my purse.  Neither one had seen it.  So, I went on to Customer Service.  There were two young girls standing there looking at me.  They asked if I had lost anything.  When I nodded, they produced my purse and said a customer had seen it in my cart and brought it in.  Thank you, Lord for choosing an honest person to find it.  I have been thanking Him over and over.

I taught my lesson on Sunday, and Bill directed the choir during worship, and in the practice after worship.  He has had a cold and he thanked God for seeing him through.  We are both learning that God will take over when we have come to the edge of the cliff.  He gives us wings!  Thanksgiving is knowing what could be if God did not watch over us.  People who never have problems don't know how to be grateful. 

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