Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Time to Celebrate

It's Christmas! It's time to celebrate! As I grow older I realize that I have to enjoy everyday to the fullest. I don't know what next year holds for me and my loved ones. I'm planning a Christmas dinner next Thursday evening before traveling to Springfield. I'm going to use my china, crystal and napkin holders. Actually, Bill made me think of it when he asked me to light the candles while we ate pizza. I told him that I would have to buy more candles if we used them frequently. He smiled and said, "Buy more candles!"

I also realized that I never want to be a "religious" person. I've been thinking a lot about what it meant for God to come to earth as a poor baby, and allow himself to be killed on a cross for me. That was true love. So many people love in order to get something for themselves, whether it be for sex, financial security, or someone to take care of them when they are sick. Unselfish love is hard to come by in this world. It's a God thing! I really want to love unconditionally. There is no better gift. It doesn't matter how many Christians feed the poor if they are doing it to shine a light on themselves. The only way to be blessed is to do it out of gratitutde for what God has done for us. Then, it has true meaning! That humbles me.

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