Monday, February 11, 2013

Stars in the Night

Yesterday, I was not able to go to church for the second week, and watched television.  First, I listened to Dr. David Jeremiah (my favorite from ShadowMountain Church in San Diego).  Then, I listened to Dr. Adrian Rogers.  He preached on keeping strong faith while going through trials.  I needed that!  He explained that stars are always in the sky, but we can't see them until it is dark outside.  I began to dwell on that.  It is true!  If I had never had an injured foot, I wouldn't know just how much I am loved by my family and friends.  I'm the one who is always trying to take care of them.

Prayers are being answered!  This morning, I was able to put the front part of my foot down without pain while walking on crutches.  I got so excited!!!  Bill is driving me to Nail Spa this afternoon for a manicure and a modified pedicure. 

Last Friday, Noel had  minor surgery .  He was in so much pain yesterday that he broke out in a cold sweat and his heart was pounding.  Bill drove him to South Heart Hospital while Janice drove over to our house and watched me.  She was having ear problems and didn't feel like driving to OKC.  I felt so sorry for her!  I wasn't sure who was taking care of who anymore. 

Bill taught my Bible Study Class, and directed the first choir rehearsal for the Easter musical.  He reported that all went well.  I have faith that I will be back on my feet soon, and can be a part of life again.   I just thank my family and friends for all of the love I have felt in these past 10 days!  I have seen the face of God through you.  God always reveals Himself when we seek Him with our hearts. 


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