Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Sometimes I feel like life is speeding up for me.  Everyday is so busy and wonderful!  Since it is Tuesday, I have just finished another morning at St. Anthony Hospital.  I met a patient who was in a very bad mood and mad at God.  He wouldn't look at me as I talked to him.  Finally, he agreed to let me sing to him, but still would not look at me.  I began singing, "Jesus Loves Me" very softly.  Suddenly, he turned his head toward me and his eyes filled with tears.  Before I left, he promised to ask God to give him faith.  

We have been watching the storm on the eastern seaboard of the United States.  Bill and I went through something similar while living in Grand Cayman for 4 years.  We had a NorWester that was very powerful.  The ocean knocked down metal railings along the shore, covered roads, and flooded most of the hotels on the beach.  During times like that you just pray, and observe the power of nature.  After such events, people either turn away from God or -- their spiritual eyes are opened and they get closer to Him.  Those who get closer find that God blesses them more than ever!   

This week I was grading homework for the Christian Worldview class.  One student wrote that she had never read the Genesis account of creation before.  She wrote that she felt special for the first time.  She had always thought that she was an accident of nature until she realized that God made man in His image to have a relationship.   I thought about that for a long time.  It's true!  If you don't believe that God created you for a purpose, then you have no reason to live.  Everyday is an accident rather than finding the plan that God made.  (We have the choice to follow the plan or not.) 

Yesterday, I learned that one of my piano student's mother is in prison.  Another of my student's father is in prison.  I thank God for bringing these kids into my life.  I listen a lot and encourage them.  Both students are very smart and musically talented. 

I don't envy the next president of the United States.  I still would not be surprised if Obama is re-elected.  Our nation is Godless and selfish. And most citizens do not understand financial economic issues.  Many young people remind me of my children when I told them I could not afford something that they asked for.  My children would reply, "Just write a check!"  Well, that is exactly what Obama has done for 4 years.  He keeps writing checks without any money to back them up.  We owe China and our debt is 16 billion dollars.  Our nation will pay dearly in the future if we don't get real!  Mitt Romney is not a perfect candidate, but I would trust him far more with my money.  He is also against gay marriage and abortion except in rare cases.  As a Christian, I have to vote for Romney!  It has nothing to do with party.  When I die, I can look God in the eye and know He agrees with me.  No doubts in my mind.  I have complete peace.     

1 comment:

Dan Nerren said...

What movie did you see?