Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gary DeMar vs. Bart Ehrman

My brother, Galen, just received an email with an article written about a debate between Bart Ehrman and Gary DeMar in Florida. According to DeMar, Bart Ehrman prides himself in studying documents to find error. It is ironical that such a man cannot write a book himself without misspelling people's names and places. After several printings, the man still has not corrected his mistakes. It seems to me that Ehrman is one of those people who went to church and studied the bulletin for mistakes, but never heard the message. It's possible that the people who wrote the Bible did not see the events exactly the same. However, the message is consistent. The Bible was not written to be an academic study. It has a spiritual message that can only be understood with the eyes of the heart. We look for errors in others when we want to distract people from our own weaknesses. To the proud and selfish, the Bible is a threat. To those who recognize their failings, the Bible is a message of forgiveness and love. I'm cautious of people who pat themselves and their friends on the back for "having it altogether" and making themselves into little gods. We have a choice: cover our guilt; ignore our guilt; or admit our guilt. What comes next? The Bible has the answer from Genesis to Revelation!

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