Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Midweek Madness

I am reviewing my students for their comprehensive test this Friday in every class this week. The poor students have to label all parts of speech in sentences. I decided I like teaching reading and writing more than grammar.

We have had a dry spring. We are praying for a storm tonight, although we can do without a tornado and hail. We are planning to grill on Easter but it may be a bit wet.

I'm going to the pool with Bill in just a few minutes, but thought I would try typing on the laptop and see if I get paragraphs. I really prefer typing on the larger flatscreen desk model.

I must report that I am excited for Noel. His heart specialist at St. John's in Springfield has found some doctors in St. Louis and Cleveland that may be able to help him. It's the first sign of hope that he has had. Even Mayo Clinic could not help him. I will never give up praying. God majors in the impossible. He doesn't always do things our way, and that seems to bug control freaks.

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