Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday, April 3rd/Title Correction

I've had little time to blog this week due to Bill resuming his on-line teaching for Grand Canyon University. The course is Communications and Media. At present, he has 24 students. Some usually drop out as time goes by. We both continue to teach at TLC as well. I have a Saudi lady in one of my classes who attends class with her brother. I was surprised last week when she took off her headscarf during the break and she revealed partially bleached blond hair. My brother, David, called me last week to ask how we liked the book cover that he sent. I told him that it was great! Then he told me that I had written in my blog that the book title was, "The Chipotle Ritual". Sorry, David! (I guess I like that title.) The actual title is "The Chiapas Ritual", Book one of the Chipotle Saga. Chiapas is a state in southern Mexico where David lived for many years. I really didn't make that mistake on purpose. The most important event in my life last week was going back to my dietician. Sarah is a tall thin woman with shining black hair and eyes. She instructed me to leave off the mayo when I make a sandwich, to use only Parkay spray butter on baked potatoes and English muffins, and to swim 3 times a week. She also told me to eat almonds or string cheese and fruit everyday at 3:30 p.m. so that I won't be too hungry for my evening meal. I've already lost 3 pounds. I don't want to lose too quickly because I've watched my friends get lots of wrinkles. No, thank you! We've had some really warm spring weather this week. Eighty plus today! I took the patio furniture out of the shed and went shopping. I took Mom with me to Lowe's and bought some no-weed pads for the flowerbed. I also bought some white pebbles to put on top of the weed pads. The cedar bark blows around and turns to mulch. Tomorrow, Bill and I are going to Edmond for a teacher's seminar. I'm learning to hate those, but they are a must to keep one's job. I think I would rather spend the day teaching. Tonight, we are going to our friend's ordination to the ministry. I will have to write more later because it is time to get on the road. So much going on!

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