Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday's Promise of Spring

It was light before 7 AM this morning, and I could see fat red robins gathering their breakfast on the lawn. Could it be that spring is around the corner. I'm getting excited about leaving for the Bahamas this weekend. Delta Airlines will think that I have come out of my coma. I didn't go with Bill to Brazil, so they haven't seen me for a year. That's very unusual for me!

I really thought that I could be semi-retired this session. However, we just got a large group of new students this session, and our new teachers don't feel ready to teach some of the levels. I teach upper level grammar in the morning, and a "preemie" student in the afternoon. I go from teaching "static verbs" to "I am from.....". It's a major swing, but a variety. Students in my classes are from China, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Ivory Coast and Ecuador. One of my students is majoring in Financial Psychology after he polishes his English. I find that interesting.

I saw a sign this week on a church that said, "Religious people run around and talk a lot, but do nothing." When will people ever understand that the important thing is NOT "what you do" but "who you are"! Recently, a friend wrote that the Bible has a problem with Christian art and icons. Within the context of the admonition, God was angry with His children because they were worshipping the golden calf and other idols. It's okay to admire art of any kind if it points to the living God, and does not take His place. Non-Catholics have long admired the cathedrals. They have simply chosen to put their money on hurting people. People are the real "church".

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